Englishms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio

Englishms. schraderMs.January 14, 2018 | Focus Areas: 1.1 Physical social and intellectual development and characteristics of students | 1.2 Understand how students learn | 2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area | 2.2 Content selection and organisation | 2.3 Curriculum assessment and reporting | 2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies | 3.2 Plan structure and sequence learning programs | 3.3 Use teaching strategies | 5.1 Assess student learning | 0 COMMENTS

This assessment required me to create a portfolio of 18 teaching strategies, addressing reading, writing and oral language skills (Years One, Two and Three). Each teaching strategy included descriptions, resources and procedures along with explicit links to the Australian Curriculum – English, MSV cueing systems and processing strategies.

English Ms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Assessment

During my student teaching at Charlevoix High School, I taught a 10-12 grade elective speech class. Since the class was small in number, we were able to do a number of different speeches. I taught units on informative speaking, storytelling, future view speeches, demonstration speeches, special occasion speeches, impromptu speeches,. If you already have artifacts available in a study portfolio, start there and review the content if you haven't done so in a while. You will probably want to make some modifications to change the focus from learning assessment to career development. At the very least, your professional teaching portfolio should address the following. The following books on teaching portfolios are available for check-out in the Center for Teaching’s library. Seldin, Peter, The Teaching Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions, 3rd edition, Anker, 2004.

Englishms. schrader

Camille Charvet 10/16/20 IB English Ms. Harden Answer each of the following questions as thoroughly as possible. This LP will be submitted and graded via GC. Review the HL Essay Outline that you submitted to your English 11 teacher last year. This assessment required me to create a portfolio of 18 teaching strategies, addressing reading, writing and oral language skills (Years One, Two and Three). Each teaching strategy included descriptions, resources and procedures along with explicit links to the Australian Curriculum – English, MSV cueing systems and processing strategies.

The portfolio was also presented in hard copy form, with each page laminated and bound for practical durability and ease of use. I intend to use this as a basis to build a broader portfolio of strategies for Subject English as my learning continues.

TeachingEnglish ms. schrader

The assessment piece and assessor feedback documents can be accessed using the links below.

English Ms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Lesson

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