Excel Shotgun Serial Number Lookup

Iver Johnson's most successful years in producing hundreds of thousands of inexpensive revolvers, shotguns, bicycles, etc. Were long before the federal requirements for consistent serial numbers (Gun Control Act of 1968) so serial numbers were for. 1968: no serial number prefix 1968 to present: letters used (in sequence) l-68, m-74, n-78, p-85, r-90 model 1100 letter suffix same structure as the model 870 listed above model 1187 letter prefix 1987 to present: “pc” 12 ga., 1999 “tl“ 20 ga., 2000 “sm” super mag. Letter suffix no letter suffix on this model. The only visible markings are 'EXCEL' engraved into the left side of the receiver, and the serial number stamped into the bottom of the receiver, immediately behind the trigger guard, which reads 37611XC. Any info on the gun or suggestions where to look for info will be greatly appreciated. The 3'.410 was brand new in 1933, I doubt that Iver Johnson chambered their ' Trade Named ' shotgun in that loading. You need to measure your shotguns chamber, a chamber for a 2 3/4 shell will have a 3 inch chamber. A three inch shell needs a 3 1/4 chamber. The chamber on a shotgun is always a 1/4 inch longer than the shell it is designed for. Remington - Navy Single Shot Pistols, Model 8, 81, 24, 241, RB Pistols (Types- not serial), RB Rifles- 1870, 71, RB Rifle Models- 1866-1933, Contract Lee Rifles, Pistols and Revolvers 1857-1918 (incomplete serial number for some), Rifles 1866-1933 (ditto), Shotguns 1874-1910 Serial numbers unknown.

Mark Shean Sr, author of GUN SENSE, on Amazon.

Brought to you by www.shotgunswitch. com , We replace the original KSG switch, to keep your hands where they belong and your eyes on target!

If you own a KSG shotgun you know that there is a series of numbers and letters instead of a conventional serial number on it, you may be curious as to the actual number of your gun, I was so I did a bit of research to figure out my guns number.

Excel Shotgun Serial Number Lookup Serial

Here is what I found.

The letters mean a number; A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15, G=16, H=17, J=18, K=19, L=20, M=21, N=22, P=23, Q=24, R=25, S=26, T=27, U=28, V=29, W=30, X=31, Y=32, Z=33

You may have noticed that ‘I’ and ‘O’ were not used probably because they can easily be confused for other characters.

You set up the formula below to look exactly as I have put it in red, for every code.

X 3400 =

100 X =

10 X =

X =


Excel Shotgun Serial Number Lookup Reverse

Example; Lets say that the code on your KSG looks like this; X2Z28, you disregard the first letter X and put the number 2 in the top column and multiple by 2 in this example, it comes to 6800. You take the next letter, in this case a Z, if you look at the alphabet above the letter Z = 33, put 33 in the second column and multiply by 100. Now take the next number, the 2 again, and put it in the third column and multiply by 10. Now take the last number 8 and put it in the last column and multiply by 1 every time. Add all the numbers and it comes out to 10,128 in this example.

2 X 3400 = 6800

100 X 33 = 3300

Excel Shotgun Serial Number Lookup By Name

10 X 2 = 20

8 X 1 = 8

Total = 10,128

Excel shotgun serial number lookup by nameLookupExcel Shotgun Serial Number Lookup

Excel Shotgun Serial Number Lookup


This would be the actual number of the KSG as it was produced. A low serial number, a first generation in this case. That’s how you figure out what the code on your gun means.

I hope this is helpful. Mark Shean, CEO, Solutions De Innovation LLC, shotgunswitch.com for the KSG.

My new #GUN SENSE book, Rated #1 at AMAZON in the Shooting section!! Good anywhere people and guns are when it comes to safety. Firearm education saves lives, firearm ignorance can end lives.
