Fancy Pants Adventures World 1gamerate
Time to get fancy again! Watch your steps and complete your quest in Fancy Pants Adventure World 1 Remix! Controls: Arrows = Move / Duck / Enter Door, S = Jump. The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 1 Hacked Play The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 1 Unhacked. The best way to play flash games online is with the SuperNova player.
World One
The Fancy Pants Adventures World 1 Remix, is the fourth title in the popular series: The Fancy Pants Adventures. It was released in 2014 by Brad Borne as a newly polished version of the first world. It included new features that would be included in his next game, The Super Fancy Pants Adventures, such as collecting hats from enemies, and collecting designs for pants. It was the first game in. The classic Fancy Pants game in world 1 has no real plot, it is just plain fun. Fancy Pants 2 Just for the sake of having a plot to the game, Fancy Pants is after his stolen ice cream cone. The classic Fancy Pants game in world 1 has no real plot, it is just plain fun. Fancy Pants 2 Just for the sake of having a plot to the game, Fancy Pants is after his stolen ice cream cone.
The original World 1 of The Fancy Pants Adventures. Just be sure to also play the World 1 Remix!Move – Left and Right Arrow Keys
Duck / Slide – Down Arrow
Enter Door – Up Arrow
Pause – Space
Toggle Music – M

The stick figure Flash based platforming game that started it all! World 1 debuted many features that went on to define the game series, like hand drawn animation, ‘sketchy’ levels, momentum based platforming, and an abundance of ramps, loops, and platforms, though all in a far rougher state than in the most recent titles.
World 1 Mario
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Fancy Pants Adventures World 1 Game Rate Free
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