Mac Os X 10.3 Panther Download Isodigitalblackberry

Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) - 2Z691-4633-A - 2Z691-4586-A - 2Z691-4587-A Note: Install disc 2 was not ripped by me, and comes from a separate source. This is because my disc refused to be imaged properly. Or, Jaguar (Mac OS X 10.2) users can download v1.5.5, and Panther (Mac OS X 10.3) users can download v2.1.4, the last releases available for those older versions of OS X. If you would like to boot from a backup stored on an external drive, and have a Power PC. For those with older systems, here are a few details for Mac OS X users based on my experience installing SCHED on a Mac iBook G4 system in Dec 2003 with OS X version 10.3 (Panther). Note that, for OSX 10.5, the installation was somewhat smoother with the main issue being a need to switch from g77 to gfortran.

Last revision February 17, 2005

These suggestions will make your upgrade from an older version of Mac OS X less troublesome.They are not for upgrading from Mac OS 8 or 9.They are specifically aimed at people using Mac OS X in the StanfordUniversity School of Earth Sciences.I suggest that you print these instructions and check off the itemsas you complete them.

Before you upgrade

  1. Startup your computer normally, connect to the Internet, and runSoftware Update,in theSystem Preferencesapplication (under theApplemenu) and download and install any OS or security updates.Don't bother withiLifeupdates (iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, iDvd, iCal, iSync,etc.) as new versions are on the 10.3 installation CD.
  2. Permissions on system files should be verified. This is most efficiently done while running from the hard disk.

    If you are running any version of Mac OS X 10.2, open theDisk Utilityprogram (found in the Utilitiessubfolder of the Applicationsfolder). Select your Macintosh hard drive (or the partition containingMac OS X, if you have more than one partition), click on theFirst Aidtab, and then click on the Repair Permissionsbutton.

    If you are running Mac OS X version 10.1.5, download and run theRepair Privileges Utility 1.1from Apple's web site at

    This utility isonlyfor Mac OS X version 10.1.5, which was the last updateto the 10.1 system(if you started with an earlier version of Mac OS X 10.1, it shouldhave been upgraded to 10.1.5 in the first step).

  3. Install any firmware updates need for your Macintosh model.
    • Check theMac OS X: Chart of Available Firmware Updateson Apple's web site at
    • If a firmware update is available for your Macintosh, click on the numberin theDownload Document
    • Apple will direct you to a new page. Download and install the firmware update.
    • If the firmware update is already installed or your Macintosh waspurchased after the date of the update release, you will get anerror message when you run the firmware installer. If thishappens, your machine is already up to date and you canproceed. Your system is not harmed.
  4. Startup from theMac OS X Panther Version 10.3 Install Disc 1CD. Insert the CD, and restart the computer while holding down theCkey to start your computer from the CD.
  5. After the installer loads, run theDisk Utilityprogram (located under theInstallermenu) to repair any disk directory problems.Such problems can cause the upgrade to fail.
    • AfterDisk Utilityopens, select your Macintosh hard drive and click theRepair Diskbutton.
    • IfDisk Utilityreports an error that it cannot fix, you will need to use a more powerful program such asDiskWarriorto repair the drive. Do not proceed with system upgrade untilyou have completely repaired the drive. Submit aHelpSU request if you need assistance with disk repair, at
    • QuitDisk UtilityandInstaller,checkStartup Diskto verify that your hard disk is selected for startup,and restart your computer normally.
  6. Create a complete bootable backup of your hard disk (or systempartition) to another disk drive (or partition), if a largeenough one is available, using the free programCarbon Copy Cloner,available at

    If you cannot backup your entire hard disk, back up your homedirectory, which contains your documents and personal settings,to some other medium such as Zip, CD, etc.

  7. If you have an external firewire disk, check the manufacturer's web site to see if it needs a driver update to run smoothly with Mac OS X 10.3.Problems have been reported with some external firewire drives.
  8. InSystem Preferences,selectLogin Itemsand delete any items from the list -- you don't want your newsystem to try to start old incompatible applications. Afterthe upgrade, verify that these applications run correctlybefore adding them back to yourLogin Itemslist.
  9. Deactivate any anti-virus programs, such asSymantec (Norton),McAfeeorStuffit AVR.Check for updated versions before re-enabling after the upgrade.
  10. DisableMacLelandsingle sign-on andAFS,to avoid login problems after upgrade. These can be re-enabled after youre-installMacLeland.
    • Under theMacLelandicon in the menu bar selectSettings.
    • Uncheck all items under theAFStab.
    • Under theSecuritytab insure thatDisable Single Sign-On is checked.

Upgrade Mac OS X

  1. Shutdown your computer and unplug all peripherals except for your keyboard and mouse.
  2. Startup from theMac OS X Panther Version 10.3 Install Disc 1(hold theCkey down while starting).
  3. After the system starts and theInstallerstarts, you have the option to customize the installation byclicking on theCustomizebutton.The following customizations are recommended for Earth Sciences:
    • Make sure theBSD Subsystemsubset is selected.Many useful utility programs, plus normal UNIX features, requirethis subset, includingCarbon Copy Clonerand remote login and file copy viassh or scp.
    • Make sure the X-windowssubset is selected if you want to install and useMatlabor other graphical applications that come from UNIX.
    • In theForeign Languagesection, you can uncheck any languages that you will not need in order to save disk space.Mac OS X automatically installs support for about 15 non-English languages. Unchecking these saves about 30 Megabytes of disk spaceper language.
  4. After making any desired customizations,proceed with installation, by clicking on theUpgradebutton. It may take over an hour to complete the installationprocess. TheInstallermay request the second or third CD disk.
  5. When the upgrade is done, quit theInstaller,checkStartup Diskto verify that your hard disk is selected for startup,and restart your computer normally.
Mac Os X 10.3 Panther Download Isodigitalblackberry

After you upgrade

  1. When your computer has restarted from the upgraded system onthe hard disk, runDisk Utility,located in theUtilitiessubfolder in theApplicationsfolder on your hard drive, and click onRepair Disk Permissions again. Many mysterious problems can be avoided by making surethat all system files have the correct permissions.
  2. Connect to the Internet, and runSoftware Update,located underSystem Preferences,and install updates. There will most likely be a Mac OS X update, plusiLifeapplication updates, and perhaps security updates.A restart will likely be required.
  3. After the computer restarts, runSoftware Updateagain, and install any additional updates. Keep runningSoftware Updateuntil no more new updates are found.Some updates cannot be installed until others are finished and the system is restarted.
  4. InstallMacLelandversion 2.3, found at

  5. Re-enable any antivirus software that you use, after checking forupdates on the vendor's web site.
  6. Check for any upgrades to applications that you have installedyourself on your system. Look at the vendor web sites, or search onVersionTracker at

B.8 Installation on Mac OSX 10.3 in 2003.

For those with older systems, here are a few details for Mac OS X users based on my experienceinstalling SCHEDon a Mac iBook G4 system in Dec 2003 with OS X version 10.3 (Panther). Notethat, for OSX 10.5, the installation was somewhat smoother with the main issue being a need to switchfrom g77 to gfortran. PGPLOT could be downloaded from the Fink. For OSX 10.3, before installingSCHED, the code tools had to be installed (the installation package was already on disk, but not yetinstalled) and X windows had to be installed from the OS X installation CD 3 (not CD 2 assome documentation stated). The code tools include gcc, but not g77 (why?). A binaryversion of g77 compatible with Panther was obtained from It installeditself on download and simply worked. PGPLOT was installed. There was no PGPLOTconfiguration file (.conf file) provided for OS X (there probably is one now). I made a local.conffile starting with the one from ../src/sys_bsd/g77_gcc.conf. The following two lines weredifferent:

LIBS='-L/usr/lib -lgcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11'
Mac os x 10.3 panther

The routine that makes the font file (pgpack) caused some trouble while I was messing with variousvariants on the above, but eventually worked. I suspect problems with big vs little endian byteorders, but I’m not sure. Note that pgplot version 5.3 has OS X as a standard OS type. Thisversion was not released as of Aug 2008 (may never be), but might be available if you asknicely.

Mac Os X 10.3 Panther Download

Once the X windows environment, gcc/g77, and PGPLOT were ready, SCHED compiled and ran withthe Makefile set up for Linux/g77 and the and the following two modified lines (one just depends on thelocation of PGPLOT and the other helps it find the gcc libraries): XLD = -L/usr/lib -lgcc-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 # Mac OS X (ie DARWIN) LPGPLOT = /usr/local/pgplot The architecturestill claimed to be LINUX and the g77 compiler flags were the same. That’s all it took! Itcompiled and passed the verification tests. If you are using FINK, some details may bedifferent.


If you run into problems with some missing .h files, you might have a mismatched OS version andXCODE version, as I did.

Mac Os X 10.3 Panther

I now have SCHEDon a Powerbook G4 (OSX 10.3 still) and that is now one of the SCHEDdevelopmentplatforms.