Recommended Sitesslcsd Educational Technology Resources
- Recommended Sitesslcsd Educational Technology Resources Pdf
- Recommended Sitesslcsd Educational Technology Resources List
- Recommended Sitesslcsd Educational Technology Resources Free
- Recommended Sitesslcsd Educational Technology Resources Online
The best programs are structured to impart a comprehensive understanding of the tools used in educational technology, the theories and practices, and critically important related issues (budgeting, legal/ethical considerations, real-world partnership opportunities, educational equity, etc.) that are essential for such technology-enhanced. Online educational technology courses develop the skills necessary for careers in education and consultation. While each educational technology online master's program features a unique curriculum, students are exposed to similar topics. Below is a snippet of an online educational technology degree curriculum.
Discover our latest educational technology and solutions that combine Samsung technology, easy-to-use device management tools and our partner ecosystem to deliver powerful digital learning experiences, inside and outside the classroom. This is where lists such as the one below come in handy. They offer teachers and educators with meticulously curated content that can help them access the best EdTech resources and transform their teaching practice. Now that we have turned to online education, the need for reliable EdTech resources is even more pressing. Although the advancement of technology in special education is promising, the same increase is needed for the number of special education instructors. Certification offers one solution to quickly meet this need. Learn more about Alvernia’s program today. 15 Assistive Technology Tools & Resources For Students With Disabilities.
Main| Course Syllabus | Supplementary Readings | Other Course Documents
FAQ | WWW Starting Points | HTML Resources | ISTE Standards
2.0 semestercredits, Spring 2021
Thursdays, 1:50 -3:30 P.M., online and meeting via Zoom
Instructor: | Joseph A. Erickson, Ph.D. |
Office: | Sverdrup Hall, Room 3C (lower level of Sverdrup Hall) |
Communications: | (612) 216-8622 (talk/text), (612) 330-1339 (facsimile), (email) |
Course web site: | Log into <> then click on --> Moodle link |
Office hours: | Mondays 3:30-4:30 P.M. and Graduate School Fridays, 2:30-4:30P.M.Otherwise, please click here to -->View my calendar and suggest a meeting time.You may also go directly to theAppointment Slots Google Calendar page and select an open appointment time slot during my scheduled office hours (listed above) to make an appointment yourself. They are divided into 15-minute increments and you may select more than one time slot if needed. |
This course will help you will reflect on the role various forms ofelectronic and digital technology can play in the teaching/learningprocess and how you can engage these processes in your classroom. Youwill become skilled in some of the many digital tools used in today'sschools. In addition, you will be exposed to basic theories ofcommunication, selection, evaluation and research, and will be assistedin determining appropriate applications of these theories andtechniques in educational settings. Drill and practice outside of classtime will be necessary to reach a high degree of competence.
How do we assist K-12 learners to become media literate? In what waysdo learners profit from the use of electronic media? How can electronicmedia be used to enhance active learner-centered activity? How can Iintegrate media skills into my lessons? What is the Internet? Whattools do I need to use the Internet? How will I use the Internet toassist my students? What does it mean to be digital?
Knowledge of: | Skills in: | Professional attitudes related to: |
communications theory | producing instructional materials | appreciating differentiated learning approaches |
history and impact of technology | utilizing instructional materials | developing a belief that all studentscan learn |
selection and evaluation criteria | operating instructional media equipment | developing a foundation forresearch-based practice |
future trends in technology | ||
ethical issues and standards |
In-class instructional methods may include: demonstrations, discussions, lectures,student-led activities, cooperative activities, tutorials, readings,problem solving, and media showings. Each activity is planned with anappreciation for diverse learning styles based on temperament, gender,and cultural/ethnic differences.
A standards-based portfolio is required in EDC 490/580 (elementary andsecondary). This portfolio draws on all the courses in the program. Thestandards attached to this course are presented below. You will alsofind linkages between the standards and the assignments for thiscourse. We recommend that you save syllabi and assignments from yourcourses to use when preparing your portfolio.
There is no required textbook topurchase for this course. On line texts as well as other documents describing the course assignment are available on this web site and are requiredreading for this course. See course schedule (below) for due dates.
Other readings may be required. Resources will be available in Lindell Library or through inter-libraryloan ordering. Announcements regarding this will be made in class.
Regular class attendance is expected.You may be absent from only one class period without penalty. For eachclass period missed beyond that 0.5 will be subtracted from your coursegrade. If you must miss a class meeting, please speak with theinstructor ahead of time. Studentsmay, with the permission of the instructor, make-up unavoidableabsences (e.g., illness or family emergency) by engaging in equivalentlearning activities which they mustpropose and document for the instructor. Other avoidableabsences may not be made-up.
The Augsburg University policies onacademic honesty apply to this course. Unless otherwise stated, theassignments you hand-in are assumed to be your own individual work.Please refer to the Augsburg Student Guide's section on Academic HonestyPolicies for details.
Student performance will be evaluatedon a 4.0-0.0 scale. Self-evaluation and instructor evaluation will beused to document progress towards course outcomes. All students willpresent evidence of their performance by preparing a LearningPortfolio at the end of thecourse which will contain documents and other evidence demonstratingproficiency in educational technologies. Students are responsible forreading all assignments thoroughly. The assignments in this course areevaluated based on the standards and formats described in thesedocuments. Keep in mind that while some of the activities are not dueuntil the end of the course, you may wish to begin them now to avoid arush of work at the end of the term.
There are atotal of 100 points available in this course. Your grade in this course is composed of several elements:
Technology Leaps (* efolio Assignment): Early in the courseeach student will self-evaluate their technology skill set anddetermine at least two major learning goals on which you will workindependently during this course. In order to document your learning,each student will write two brief scholarly research papers (minimum of1,000 words each) on the topics you choose. Moreinformation about these papers may be found here. Thesepapers are scholarly research papers that are written in APA format. Onthe due date, you will also briefly present your TechLeap in class. Youmay wish to prepare a slideshow to help your classmates understand yourTechLeap, but a slideshow is not required. The due dates for thesepapers and presentations are listed in the course schedule below.(worth up to 20 points; 10 pts. each for two papers/presentations).There are three possible due dates - you need to pick two (see below incourse schedule).
Quiz(es): Studentswill be examined on the course readings and in-class presentations inone (or two) multiple-choice quiz(zes) depending on the length of thesemester (one quiz in the summer and evening program, two quizzesduring the day program). Students should prepare for the quiz(zes) bystudying the course readings very carefully, taking notes duringin-class presentations, and asking questions in class if anyinformation is not perfectly clear. This component is worth up to 10points.
Learning Application Assignments(* efolio Assignment):Approximately every other week during the semester (weekly during theevening and summer semesters), students will submit several learningapplication activities which are worth either 5 or 20 points dependingon the length and complexity of the assignment. See due dates in courseschedule (worth up to 60 points).
LearningLogs: Each week you will post a log of the time spent on theactivities for this class (i.e., how much time you studied, worked onan assignment, etc.) and a brief reflection on your efforts. A formathas been developed for this task and may be found at this link. This task will assist youin developing self-awareness of your own learning behavior and willmotivate you to keep up with assignments. This is especially importantin a course with so few face-to-face class meetings (worth up to 10points).
Class Participation: Regular class attendance is expected.You may be absent from only one class period. If you must miss a classmeeting, please speak with the instructor ahead of time.
Professional behavior is expected from participants in this course.Students are accountable for all instructions posted to this web siteand should familiarize themselves with all expectations and deadlinesoutlined here. Direct any inquiries to the course instructor. Also,students should dress professionally (no caps, pajamas, or athleticuniforms in class please!) and be sure to deactivate wirelesscommunications devices prior to the beginning of class. Use of personaldigital devices and the lab computers for texting, checking email andFacebook during class activity time is not appropriate.
* efolioAssignment: It is highly recommended that you put thisassignment in your electronic portfolio.
Those students who earn 95-100 points on the exam and other assignments will receive a A for the course. Similarly: A- = 92-94, B+ = 90-91, B = 85-89, B- = 83-84, C+ = 80-82, C = 75-79, C- = 73-74, D+ = 70-72, D = 65-69, D- = 60-64, and F = 0-59. Students registered at the graduate level must earn a C+ or above to apply this course towards licensure. Students registered at the undergraduate level must earn a grade of C- to apply this course towards licensure. Students registered for the undergraduate version of this course are graded using the undergraduate grading scale and students registered for the graduate version are graded using the graduate grading scale.
- Use this online GoogleSheets worksheet to record your scores during the semester. Details will be discussed at the first class meeting.
Students must show evidence of at leastminimum competence in all outcomes (knowledge, skills, and attitudes)via their Learning Portfolio inorder to pass this course. All portfolios and associated documentationare due no later than the final class meeting. Any exceptions to thisdeadline must be negotiated with the instructor prior to the finalregular class period.
Alldocuments in this course are submitted digitally. The documents should be in GoogleDocs formatand include all of the elements a physical paper assignment wouldinclude. Use the following sample as a guide. Note that in this sampledocument, the student's name has been deleted, but in your submission,make sure to include all identifying information! Also make sure to save the file with your nameand the name of the assignment in the file's name, e.g., 'Ima Auggie -Technology Leap #1.' If youhave any questions, please speak with the instructor. In some cases, documents are also submittedvia moodle. Please refer to the course schedule for details
Sample Assignment on GoogleDrive (Make sure to addthe instructor as an editor. Also make sure to save the file with yourname and the name of the assignment in the file's name, e.g., 'Ima Auggie -Technology Leap #1.'Course assignments must be handed-in ontime. On time means the assignment is handed-in (i.e., shareddigitally) by the dates and times indicated on the course calendar. Nolate work will be accepted without prior arrangement with theinstructor. Late assignments cannot be re-done.
Augsburg University makes studentsuccess a priority. As a result, this course is participating in theAcademic Alert initiative. As the instructor of this course, I maychoose to refer you to your faculty adviser or other campus resourcesvia the Academic Alert process if it is apparent that you arestruggling with issues such as attendance, classparticipation/preparedness, and/or assignment/test preparation.
Academic Alert messages are sent via e-mail to your Augsburg e-mailaddress. Additionally, alert messages are copied to your facultyadviser and other campus resources. Your adviser may choose tocontact you to discuss ways to improve your performance in these areas.You may also be contacted by campus resources regarding your situation.Referrals and departmental outreach are designed to maximize yourchances of academic success at Augsburg, not as a punishment.
Students with disabilities who believethat they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged tocontact the CLASS Office at 612-330-1053 or stop by the Gage Center welcome desk on the link level ofthe Lindell Library as soon aspossible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in atimely manner. All students have the right to use the AugsburgUniversity Counseling Center and Student Development staff services, aswell as to receive tutoring assistance from the Writing Lab. This class affirms individuals of allgender identities and gender expressions. Students are expected to showrespect to others, including referring to others using their preferrednames and pronouns.
A briefquiz on the syllabus and the moodle site will be administered at thefirst class meeting.
- Setting Personal Learning Goals:At what ed tech skills am I weak and how do I strengthen myself?
- The Pencil Metaphor
- 'Do to Learn, not Learn to Do'
- Just-in-time resources
- Moodle forum Settings
- Self-regulation and the Learning Logs
Activities and assignmentsdue:
- Week 1: Live Zoom class, 1:50 - 3:30 P.M., refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- Quiz on course syllabusadministered at first class meeting.
- Identify at least two Personal Technology Goals.Your goals are due beforeour second class meeting.
- Week 2:Live Zoom class, 1:50 - 3:30 P.M., refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- Develop and discuss PersonalTechnology Goals. Prepare your goals before this class meeting. Please submit these documents to instructor via GoogleDocs by our regularly scheduled class meeting time (Thursday by 1:50 p.m.).
- Sign up for presentation dates for your two TechLeaps. Click here to go to the online sign-up sheet.
- What aspects of digital technologyare very fluid and what parts change very little?
Video: - What is media literacy?
- What is information literacy?
- Historically, how has educationaltechnology been integrated into learning? What does this experiencetell us about tech integration today?
Video: Schools of the Future, Pt. 1 - What are the Internet and theWorld Wide Web, and how do I use them as a learning tools?
- How will I integrate media andinformation literacy into my teaching?
- Multiple Dimensions of EducationalTechnology
Activities and assignmentsdue:
- Week 1: Recorded Zoom class, refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- Online readings due: The History and Purpose of the WWW and Can Computers Enhance the Work of Teachers? The Debateis On
- Identify two key media and/orinformation literacy issues in your teaching field, then envision howyou could integrate these issues into a learning activity. For nextweek's class, you will write about these ideas.
- Ideasfor how to integrate media and information literacy into classroomactivities may be found at, TeachingThough.comand
- Online readings due: The History and Purpose of the WWW and Can Computers Enhance the Work of Teachers? The Debateis On
- Week 2: Live Zoom class, 1:50 - 3:30 P.M., refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- A 500-worddescription of your two key issues and learning activities is duebefore our class meeting (5 points).
- If you haven't already done so, sign up for presentation dates for your two TechLeaps. Click here to go to the online sign-up sheet.
Additional resources on media andinformation literacy (not required, but recommended for additionaldepth):
- Kids Learn How to Navigate the Multimedia World |Edutopia
- Basics of Media Literacy: Nichole Pinkard, founderof the Digital Youth Network
- How to Use New-Media Tools in Your Classroom |Edutopia
- Librariesbecome tech hubs for the digitally inclined | Star Tribune
- Additional videos on How to Use New-Media Tools in Your Classroom | Edutopia:Click this link to see several additional short videos about how to usenew-media tools in the classroom.
- Read an article about the furor surrounding the controversial 'Knowledge Navigator' video (shown and discussed in class).
- How do I select relevant digitalmedia for my classroom?
- How do I evaluate whether mytechnology use is enhancing learning?
Video: SAMRModel of Technology Integration - Netiquette
- Week 1: Recorded Zoom class, refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- Two online readings due:EvaluatingTechnology Use in Classrooms, and EvaluateWeb Pages (the second item is an online slideshow). Please read these items carefully as you will need to use these principles in your writing activity due next week.
- ComputerTerms Jigsaw distributed this week.
- Week 2: Live Zoom class, 1:50 - 3:30 P.M., refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- WebsiteEvaluation Activity: Select an educational website to evaluate.In a 500-word report, identify and describe your chosen website, thendescribe whether this resource is valid and reliable using one or bothof the evaluation approaches about which you read last week (5 points). Remember tosubmit these documents to instructor via GoogleDocs by our regularly scheduled class meeting time (Thursday by 1:50 p.m.).
- ComputerTerms Jigsaw activity completed this week.
- Pleasecomplete Mid-termStudent Questionnaire Activity and submit this document to instructor via GoogleDocs by our regularly scheduled class meeting time (Thursday by 1:50 p.m.).
Recommended Sitesslcsd Educational Technology Resources Pdf
- Two ways to think abouttechnology in the classroom:
- My use (teachers producing andusing technology products--a necessary but not sufficient step)
- Their use (students usingtechnology to produce their own products--this should be your ultimategoal)
- How do I differentiate instructionin my classroom to accommodate different learner circumstances?
- What are some Web 2.0 resourcesavailable to me? (Google Classroom, WebCT, Blackboard, moodle, et al.)
- Basics of document design andlayout
- Adding multi-media (calendars,maps, videos, etc.) to learning resources
- URL shortening
- Where will I findinexpensive or free software to use in my classroom?
- Week 1: Recorded Zoom class, refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- Identify ideas for two lessons (usethis lesson plan template to get started). The lesson plans are due in Week 2. In your lessons, youneed to integrate both technology modalities we have discussed (i.e.,you using technology to teach and your students using technology tolearn). (Wait until the next unit to design the assessments for eachlesson.) These lesson plans are due before our next class meeting (20points). Be prepared to discuss your lesson ideas in class.
- A sample lesson plan is available here.
- Here's another prepared by a recent classmate.
- Week 2: Live Zoom class, 1:50 - 3:30 P.M., refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- Technology Leap Report Opportunity -first of three (10 points). Pleasecontact the instructor at least three days prior in order toobtain the go-ahead regarding appropriate topics and to receive guidance and otherassistance.Today you will also briefly present your TechLeap in class. You maywish to prepare a slideshow to help your classmates understand yourTechLeap, but a slideshow is not required. In addition, please post all materials to Tech Leap Sharing Forum--accessed on the moodlehome page for this course.
- Quiz on course readings and in-class presentationsadministered online this week (5 points). Please refer to our moodle site for the link to the quiz.
- Two lessonplans due (usethis lesson plan template). In your lessons, you need to integrateboth technology modalities we have discussed (i.e., you usingtechnology to teach and the students using technology to learn). Theselesson plans are worth up to 20 points. (Wait until the next unit to design the assessments foreach lesson.) Remember tosubmit these documents to instructor via GoogleDocs by our regularly scheduled class meeting time (Thursday by 1:50 p.m.).
Some ideas for integrating technology into your lessons and assessments may be found at:
Some Sites that Review and RecommendSoftware for Teachers:- Cindi Danner-Kuhn’s Education Technology Place websiteand Pinterest Page
- Top 10 Reviews: Learn to Read Software
Mar. 11 and 25 UnitV:How do I know whether students learned?
Key Concepts:
- Define these key assessmentand measurement terms:
- Assessment
- Measurement
- Formative
- Summative
- Reliability
- Validity
- Tools for Digital Assessment:
- Spreadsheets andDatabases, e.g., GoogleForms
- Quizlet
- Kahoot
- Plickr
- WiseApp
- Optical scanning using asmartphone or tablet
- Week 1: Recorded Zoom class, refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- Identifytwo assessments for the lessons you prepared last week. These assessments shouldbe closely aligned with your lesson objectives and should alsointegrate some use(s) of technology. Please employ at least twodifferent tools or approaches for your assessments. The assessments are due next week (Week 2). These assessmentactivities will be worth up to 20 points.
- Some ideas for assessments usingdigital tools may be found at: TakeThree: 55 Digital Tools for Formative Assessment, KnowStudents Better: 15 Tools for Formative Assessmentand How I Got Started Using Technology To Assess StudentLearning.
Spring Break - March 14 - 21, 2021
- Week 2: Live Zoom class, 1:50 - 3:30 P.M., refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- 2nd TechnologyLeapReport Opportunity (10points). Please contact the instructor at leastthree days prior in order to obtain the go-ahead regardingappropriate topics and to receive guidance and otherassistance. Please post all materials to Tech Leap Sharing Forum--accessed on the moodlehome page for this course.
- Add assessments to the twolessons you prepared during the last unit (20 points). Makesure to employ at least two different tools or approaches (one for eachlesson). Add your assessments to the lesson plans you developed lastweek. These assessments should be closelyaligned with your lesson objectives and should also integrate someuse(s) of technology. Remember tosubmit these documents to instructor via GoogleDocs by our regularly scheduled class meeting time (Thursday by 1:50 p.m.).
Apr. 1 and 8_Unit VI:How do I keep myself up-to-date on new and emerging technologies?
Key Concepts:
- What is myacademic/scholarly field of study?
- What is (are) theprofessional association(s) for scholars in my field?
- How do they stay connectedand how do I join their conversations?
- Savvy Searching: There'smore to searching than hitting the enter key!
- Some Tech Terms in this area:
- Blogs/RSS Feeds
- Online Journals
- Listservs/ElectronicDiscussion Lists
- The 'filter bubble'
- Week 1: Recorded Zoom class, refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- Three online readings due:ElectronicDiscussion Lists (Listservs), Blogs, and RSS Feeds: How to StayUp-To-Date In My Field,What Your Students Really Need to Know About DigitalCitizenship, and Savvy Searching: There's more to searching than hittingthe enter key!
- Identify at least twoscholarly and/or technology-oriented resources in yourfield of study. Next week, you will subscribe to at least two of theseresources and show evidence of your subscription. Be prepared todiscuss your ideas in class.
- Some excellent teacher-made blogs, discussion lists, and RSSfeeds may be found here:
- TeacherTech (Blog of tech-savvyteacher Alice Keeler)
- A-to-Z Teachers’ Stuff (discussionforums for teachers as well as a lesson plan archive)
Teach 100: A daily ranking of thetop 100 education blogs
Cindi Danner-Kuhn’s Education Technology Place websiteand Pinterest Page
Edublog’s Community Directory thatcatalogs some of their most effective teacher blogs
We Are Teachers Blogs Showcase Justwhat the name says...
Google Search: Use Google to search for education-related blog sites, including Blogger, LiveJournal, Edublogs, and many others.
- Week 2:Recorded Zoom class, refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- ProfessionalSubscriptions Activity:Subscribe to at least two scholarly and/or technology-oriented resources in your field of study.In a brief essay, please report on which resources you identified andto which you subscribed and why you think these resources areappropriate for you (minimum 250 words). Also submitevidence of that subscription (pleaseuse this form to document your work). This activity is due beforeclass. On this form you will identify and describe the resources towhich you subscribed and then provide evidence of your subscription(see form for details). Thisactivity is worth up to 5 points. Be prepared to discuss your work inclass. Remember tosubmit these documents to instructor via GoogleDocs by our regularly scheduled class meeting time (Thursday by 1:50 p.m.).
Online Assignment - Forum Responses Due by 10:00am on Mon. Apr. 12th
This activity can be done anytime during the semester, but the responses tothe questions need to be posted to the appropriate online forum by10:00am on Mon., Apr. 12th.
For this activity, pick one of thefollowing two online PBS videos to watch and to which you will postresponses to the questions in the online forum for that video.
- Online Option #1: Watch theonline video: Digital_Nation
- Respond to questionsposted to Digital Nation Forum onmoodle site
- Your written response willbe graded P/N
- Online Option #2: Watch theonline video: School Sleuth: The Case of the Wired Classroom
- Respond to questions postedto School Sleuth Forum on moodle site
- Your written response will begraded P/N
Apr. 15 and 22 Unit VII: Future Trends and Ethical ConcernsKey Concepts:
- What are some of the major future trends and ethical concerns about using digital technology in the classroom?
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Virtual Reality (VR)
- Mobile devices and distraction
- Safety and the Internet
- Where's the Internet going? How do I keep up?
Week 1: Live Zoom class, 1:50 - 3:30 P.M., refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- Three online readings due: Digital Tools and Distraction in Schools, Safety and the Internet and Where's the 'Net Going?
- Identify two technology trends that are gaining popularity in your field of study and identify how you'll incorporate these trends into your teaching. A brief report (minimum 250 words, worth 5 points) on your findings will be due next week. Be prepared to discuss your work in class.
- Quiz on course readings and in-class presentationsadministered online this week (5 points).Please refer to our moodle site for the link to the quiz.
Recommended Sitesslcsd Educational Technology Resources List
Week 2:Live Zoom class, 1:50 - 3:30 P.M., refer to our moodle site for link to class session.
- 3rd Technology LeapReport Opportunity (10 points). Please contact the instructor at least three days prior in order to obtain the go-ahead regarding appropriate topics and to receive guidance and other assistance. Today you will also briefly present your TechLeap in class. You may wish to prepare a slideshow to help your classmates understand your TechLeap, but a slideshow is not required. In addition, please post all materials to Tech Leap Sharing Forum--accessed on the moodle home page for this course.
- Identify two technology trends that are gaining popularity in your field of study and identify how you'll incorporate these trends into your teaching. A brief report (minimum 250 words, worth 5 points) on your findings is due this week. Be prepared to discuss your work in class. Remember to submit these documents to the instructor via GoogleDocs by our regularly scheduled class meeting time (Thursday by 1:50 p.m.).
- Learning Portfolios due--Portfolios presented in class today -- portfolios posted to GoogleDrive--editing privileges shared with instructor and link sent to the instructor before the final class meeting
- Course evaluation completion
There is no final exam scheduled for this course.
Important Note: All remaining assignmentsare due to the instructor at the final class meeting. Any divergencefrom this deadline must be cleared in advance with the courseinstructor.
- When a distinguished but elderlyscientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainlyright. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probablywrong.
- The only way of discovering thelimits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into theimpossible.
- Any sufficiently advancedtechnology is indistinguishable from magic.
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FAQ | WWW Starting Points | HTML Resources | ISTE Standards
How does technology impact student learning? Some postsecondary educators view technology as a distraction in the classroom. Even if they don’t ban the use of mobile phones or social media during class, they may begrudgingly view technology as a little more than a necessary evil.
But rather than simply ‘tolerate’ it, instructors can harness the power of digital devices, apps and tools to increase engagement, encourage collaboration, spark innovation and enhance student learning.
In and of itself, educational technology doesn’t result in effective teaching and learning. It still requires a guide (the educator) and a purpose (related to the curriculum). And it does require some effort and strategies to integrate it effectively into your course material. But, if used with intention, technology can be transformed from a distraction to an effective teaching tool.
Here are a few answers to the question of how technology impacts student learning, and reasons why educators should make the most of technology inside—and outside—the classroom.
Technology affords better access to resources
With an Internet connection, we have access to information at our fingertips 24 hours a day. We can find almost anything online, in its most up-to-date version. For students, this means access to everything from research materials and educational apps to interactive edutainment and open resources from prestigious universities around the world. They may, however, need instruction on how to find credible resources and direction on providing proper attribution when they use them.
Students can also supplement their learning by connecting with online groups and virtual communities in real time, or by collaborating on group projects with tools such as wikis and cloud-based apps. And instructors can provide access to course material (and additional resources) by setting up portals through learning management systems or providing access to course-specific software for each learner. Blended learning — a mixture of classroom technology and face-to-face learning—is a popular way of organizing this.
Technology can improve student engagement
Education technology can make learning more interactive and collaborative—and this can help students better engage with course material. Rather than memorizing facts, they learn by doing. This could be as simple as taking an interactive quiz in class or participating in tech-enabled group discussions or as involved as playing educational games, practicing science experiments in a virtual lab or taking a virtual field trip.
But to make it truly engaging, it must be truly interactive. Doing math on a computer isn’t any different than doing math with a pencil and pad of paper. But using augmented reality to animate math challenges is a whole different ballgame. For some students, interactivity provides a better learning experience.
For teachers, the possibilities are endless: from using simulation tools to demonstrate how a hurricane develops, to using virtual reality to practice medical procedures. “As a growing number of medical schools bring virtual reality into the classroom, students are finding it an effective way to learn complex subject matter, such as anatomy, that’s often easier to understand with hands-on practice,” writes1 Chris Hayhurst for EdTech Magazine.
Technology can expand classroom boundaries
Recommended Sitesslcsd Educational Technology Resources Free
Thanks to technology, the classroom no longer has walls. The learning environment no longer has boundaries. And instruction can be provided by any number of subject matter experts—in addition to the person teaching the course.
“Students in a classroom in the rural U.S., for example, can learn about the Arctic by following the expedition of a team of scientists in the region, read scientists’ blog posting, view photos, e-mail questions to the scientists, and even talk live with the scientists via a videoconference. Students can share what they are learning with students in other classrooms in other states who are tracking the same expedition,” according to an article2 on technology in education by Purdue University.
Technology can encourage self-paced learning
In a traditional classroom, students who were struggling to learn new concepts would quickly fall behind their peers. With online assignments, however, students can advance at their own pace. Those who need more time or extra help can practice outside of class with guided exercises or additional coursework. So, too, can learners who want more of a challenge.
Thanks to the always-on nature of technology, students can access resources online whenever they need to, and instructors can see which students might need extra help. The exercise of self-paced learning also helps students learn digital literacy and 21st century skills, which will be useful when they enter the workforce.
Technology can promote innovative teaching techniques
Technology changes the way we access information, but also how we’re taught that information. The instructor becomes less of a ‘sage on stage’ and more of a ‘guide on the side.’ From accessing course materials online to watching video-recorded lectures, technology opens up the possibility for teaching innovation: from collaborative group work to flipped and hybrid classrooms. Instructors can also use classroom response systems to assess students’ understanding of course material and adjust the pace or content as needed in real time.
How does technology impact student learning? A summary
Recommended Sitesslcsd Educational Technology Resources Online
While technology is sometimes seen as a threat—and it does have its limits—integrating it into your teaching practice offers a new way for students to interact and engage with course material. Thanks to technology, education is no longer confined to the walls of your classroom. YouTube videos and social media don’t have to be a distraction; they can be part of your course material. The math is easy: it adds up to better learning outcomes.
- Hayhurst, C. (2017, February 15). Medical Students Practice Critical Skills on Digital Cadavers. Retrieved from
- How Has Technology Changed Education? (2017, April 25). Retrieved from